
Fees and Funding

There are several different ways in which our service can be funded. These include:

Local Authority funding

This is where the Local Authority (typically the local Council) agrees an amount to fully fund a person’s support in a residential placement.

The funding package is agreed following an assessment of the person’s needs and covers both accommodation and support.

Joint funding between the Local Authority and NHS

This is where an individual has a Continuing Healthcare (CHC) assessment. In this instance, funding will be split between the Local Authority and the NHS.

The funding package is agreed following joint assessments of the person’s needs and healthcare needs. The Local Authority element of the funding will cover both accommodation and support, the NHS assessment will cover the continuing healthcare needs.

NHS Funding

It is possible that an individual’s health needs are such that the NHS will fully fund a person’s support package.

The funding package is agreed following an assessment of the person’s needs and covers both accommodation and support.

Individual/Personal Budget

This is where the Local Authority allocates a specific amount of money for a person’s support needs. The amount is determined by an assessment of the person’s needs and means. You will also need to agree a support plan to show how and where the money will be spent, whether you decide for the Local Authority to choose services for you or if you prefer to have direct control of the budget yourself – e.g. a direct payment.

Direct Payments

This is where you receive an amount directly from the Local Authority and can choose how to spend the money on your support. Choosing a direct payment gives you maximum flexibility with your support package but does mean you have to manage the money yourself.

Fees are calculated based on the assessed needs of an individual. Each fee will include a staffing element, based on the hours of support assessed and required. In some instances, the staff support may be shared with other individuals, and in this situation the individual would only pay for the share of staff time.

For further information or to request an assessment, please don’t hesitate to contact us at info@applehouse.co.uk