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Monthly Archives: June 2016

Charity fundraiser is our cup of tea…

Well done to all at Apple House care home for raising £28 at their recent afternoon tea charity fundraiser!  This was matched and then some by the company, bringing the total to £60.  Just the first of a series of fundraising events to benefit Macmillan Cancer Charity and The British Red Cross, we look forward to many more cuppas and cakes to come! …

Polling day!

“We have spent the last few weeks getting ready to vote.  T voted by post last week, posting off his postal vote.  K and R went to the polling station today, having gone through the Easy News May 2016 special EU edition.  Both were very keen to have their say and expressed strong opinions on the issues that the magazine raised. We have decided that, after the results are known tomorrow, we shall all get on with our weekend at Summerwood and that everything will be the same here at home.  Here is a photo from today.” –– John Caslake, Registered …

EU Referendum, Learning Disabilities and Social Care…

We are a politically neutral organisation. Our role during any national election is to support our residents to have access to information on all aspects of voting, so that they are empowered to make the choices that reflect their views, their needs, their futures. The EU Referendum is fast approaching.  June 23rd will see a national vote on staying in or leaving the European Union.  There has been minimal literature provided to households surrounding the benefits of leaving, more so surrounding the benefits of remaining ‘in.’ Therefore, we continue to source other means of information including the useful Mencap/Electoral Commission Easy Read …

We love butterflies…

Man has achieved some incredible things.  We build, we invent, we extract from nature the resources to feed, to heal, to beautify our world. But, what does man put back?  What do we give Mother Nature in return for all her gifts to us? Butterflies! Yes, those beautiful, rarely noticed little things who flit around our gardens and catch our eye from time to time.  Here at Apple House care homes, we really do love them. Not only do we love them, we’ve been GROWING them! “Our butterflies hatched over the bank holiday. The butterflies arrived as caterpillars and we all …

Guest spot…

We’ll be inviting our team members to contribute short posts to this blog, so do stop by regularly. 🙂 …