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Browsing Tag: Fundraising

Macmillan: Having Our Cake and Eating It!

The world’s biggest coffee morning… We are delighted to again participate in Macmillan Cancer Support’s annual World’s Biggest Coffee Morning.  Apple House care home hosted theirs this morning: cake baking and cake eating were the order of the day!  Jayne Jackson, Registered Manager, says, “It was lovely to see children here this morning, who had great fun picking up the apples that had freshly fallen from our tree.”  We suspect the apples might not have been quite as tasty as the cakes but definitely offered a healthy alternative! Apple House Ltd always double all donations received in our homes’ fundraising endeavours. …

Alzheimers Research UK…

Apple House care homes are proud supporters of local and national charities.  We are delighted to support Alzheimers Research Uk. Receiving no government funding for their research, they are completely dependent on the generosity of supporters to fund their pioneering research programme. “Alzheimers is a disease that causes dementia. It is the most common cause of dementia, accounting for about two-thirds of cases in the elderly”–Alzheimers Research Uk. Typical early symptoms of Alzheimers include: Regularly forgetting recent events, names and faces. Becoming increasingly repetitive. Regularly misplacing items or putting them in odd places. Confusion about the time of day. Disorientation, …

Macmillan Coffee Morning…

Apple House care home joined in the fundraising fun by hosting a coffee morning in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support.  The home raised £25 and our organisation matched this and raised it to £50!  Well done residents, staff and families at Apple House care home! All homes will be joining in Macmillan’s World’s Biggest Coffee Morning on the 30th September this year. …

Charity fundraiser is our cup of tea…

Well done to all at Apple House care home for raising £28 at their recent afternoon tea charity fundraiser!  This was matched and then some by the company, bringing the total to £60.  Just the first of a series of fundraising events to benefit Macmillan Cancer Charity and The British Red Cross, we look forward to many more cuppas and cakes to come! …

June charity support…

The month of June sees our Dorset care home, Apple House, supporting British Red Cross.  Holding a scrumptious tea party on June 6th, we are proud to fundraise as part of British Red Cross’s ‘Show Some HumaniTea’ initiative. …