Macmillan: Having Our Cake and Eating It!

The world’s biggest coffee morning…

We are delighted to again participate in Macmillan Cancer Support’s annual World’s Biggest Coffee Morning.  Apple House care home hosted theirs this morning: cake baking and cake eating were the order of the day!

 Jayne Jackson, Registered Manager, says, “It was lovely to see children here this morning, who had great fun picking up the apples that had freshly fallen from our tree.”  We suspect the apples might not have been quite as tasty as the cakes but definitely offered a healthy alternative!

Apple House Ltd always double all donations received in our homes’ fundraising endeavours.  

We think Macmillan nurses do an incredible job and here’s a little more about them:

To find out about hosting your own Macmillan coffee morning next year, or to make a donation, hop over to their website today! CLICK HERE


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