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Category: Charities

Our England Finalist For The Frontline Leader Award…

We are very proud to be finalists in 7 categories for the 2019 National Learning Disabilities Awards. Today we want to showcase one of our finalists, Rebecca Blackmore. Finalist for The Frontline Leader Award  Rebecca Blackmore: Here are some of the things that our manager Sharron and the team have to say about Bex: Rebecca who is known as Bex started working in our company in 2014. Caring, compassionate and focused on helping and supporting people to be the best they can possibly be. One of her strengths is also her cooking ability. Utilising this skill Bex is able to support …

The Great Apple House Bake-Off!

Congratulations go to Redcroft for winning the Great Apple House Bake-Off! Our panel of judges, comprising residents and directors, had a very tough job choosing just one winner from the three beautiful cakes crafted by our staff teams as each home pitched against the other in a super-friendly competition. Apple House care home’s cake won the taste test! The sponge was moist and utterly scrummy. Decorated with delicate sugar daisies and cute bees, it was as pretty as it was delicious. Summerwood care home’s cake wowed us all. In the design of our logo –a plump green apple– and with …

Apple House featured in new Care England brochure…

Honoured Guests is a new publication produced in partnership with Care England and  John’s Campaign–a national movement that focuses on recognising and actively involving families. Apple House care homes are proud to have joined John’s Campaign as part of our ethos of inclusion, of recognising the important role of family and friends to care residents’ wellbeing and personal identity. “I quite like the title ‘Honoured Guests.  It reminds people, whether we are family or friends, that we are there as guests of the resident. This title also reinforces that staff and relatives should have one purpose, which is to support the …

Macmillan: Having Our Cake and Eating It!

The world’s biggest coffee morning… We are delighted to again participate in Macmillan Cancer Support’s annual World’s Biggest Coffee Morning.  Apple House care home hosted theirs this morning: cake baking and cake eating were the order of the day!  Jayne Jackson, Registered Manager, says, “It was lovely to see children here this morning, who had great fun picking up the apples that had freshly fallen from our tree.”  We suspect the apples might not have been quite as tasty as the cakes but definitely offered a healthy alternative! Apple House Ltd always double all donations received in our homes’ fundraising endeavours. …

Apple House take to the high seas…

Life at Apple House care home really is plain sailing… We are thrilled to be able to benefit from a quite remarkable charitable organisation called New Forest and District Sailability. NFDS state on their website: New Forest and District Sailability (NFDS) is based at Spinnaker Sailing Club, Ringwood and enables people with disabilities to enjoy the exciting sport of sailing. You can learn to sail a dinghy, sit back and relax whilst someone else takes you for a trip, take part in races. All this within the safe confines of our beautiful lake in the heart of the New Forest. …

Red Nose Day…

Tomorrow, March 24th, is RED NOSE DAY and we’re cooking up some fun! Summerwood care home will be holding a cake sale in aid of Red Nose Day and World Autism Awareness Week (which is next week but hey, CAKE!) plus there is a sweepstake underway. Redcroft care home are holding a LEGS ELEVEN bingo afternoon on Sunday 2nd April also in aid of the above charities. Apple House care home are holding various fun activities this coming Saturday. As a company, we always match pound for pound any money raised for charity. …

World Autism Awareness Week…

With World Autism Awareness Week soon upon us, there is much planning going on behind the scenes at Apple House homes. We really don’t need an excuse to eat cake but, if we did, there would be no greater and more worthwhile reason to do so than to raise money for WAAW. Between 27th March – 2nd April 2017, The National Autistic Society (NAS) is asking people to raise money and awareness so that ‘as many people as possible learn about autism.’  They urge everyone to ‘bake, walk, quiz, collect…until everyone understands.’ Apple House homes are rising to the challenge, we’ll …

British Institute of Learning Disabilities…

We are proud members of BILD – The British Institute of Learning Disabilities and have been for many years. BILD is an organisation that champion’s people’s rights and enables support. Professor Gerry Simon set up BILD in 1971 because he was convinced there could be better support in the community for people with disabilities.  BILD has been championing the rights of people with disabilities ever since. BILD uses its skills, knowledge and experience to turn policy into practice, solve problems and improve support. In working with Government departments, local authorities, health trusts, service providers and mainstream organisations, their aim is …

Alzheimers Research UK…

Apple House care homes are proud supporters of local and national charities.  We are delighted to support Alzheimers Research Uk. Receiving no government funding for their research, they are completely dependent on the generosity of supporters to fund their pioneering research programme. “Alzheimers is a disease that causes dementia. It is the most common cause of dementia, accounting for about two-thirds of cases in the elderly”–Alzheimers Research Uk. Typical early symptoms of Alzheimers include: Regularly forgetting recent events, names and faces. Becoming increasingly repetitive. Regularly misplacing items or putting them in odd places. Confusion about the time of day. Disorientation, …