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Category: Autism

What is Autism?

By Andrew Wright, Art Psychotherapist, HCPC reg (UK) BAAT, Mindscape Art Therapy – [Senior Support Worker, Little Amberwood Care Home] What is Autism? Autism is a lifelong developmental disability that affects an individual’s behaviour and communication. People with autism may lack social awareness, emotional reciprocity and the ability to sustain conversations. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is characterized by severe and persistent deficits in social communication and interaction (American Psychiatric Association 2013). In the UK the Autism Act (2009) led to the government producing statutory guidelines for autism. With a clear pathway of diagnosis, where everyone has a right to an assessment.  …

Importance of Creative Activities and Exercise for People with Autism…

Importance of creative activities and exercise for people with autism Introduction At Apple House care homes we strive to advocate a healthy lifestyle and to be as independent as possible. We provide access to a programme promoting healthy living and wellbeing, with home cooked fresh food, regular exercise, and creative activities. This article outlines why it is important to give people with autism the opportunity to take part in creative activities and regular exercise. Challenges for people with Autism For people with autism, you may notice that they can have challenges in interacting in social situations as it can be …

Our England Finalist For The Frontline Leader Award…

We are very proud to be finalists in 7 categories for the 2019 National Learning Disabilities Awards. Today we want to showcase one of our finalists, Rebecca Blackmore. Finalist for The Frontline Leader Award  Rebecca Blackmore: Here are some of the things that our manager Sharron and the team have to say about Bex: Rebecca who is known as Bex started working in our company in 2014. Caring, compassionate and focused on helping and supporting people to be the best they can possibly be. One of her strengths is also her cooking ability. Utilising this skill Bex is able to support …

The Joy of Dance…

Anjali. The professional dance company with a difference. ‘Anjali is a dance company with a difference – all of its performers have learning disabilities. They are currently in training with top choreographers ahead of a Uk and world tour.’ –BBC News, Sept 2017. Watch Anjali on the BBC HERE! Anjali are one of many dance companies springing up around the country aimed at and formed by dancers with learning disabilities. They really are showcasing the joy of dance! Dance is perhaps one of the oldest ways of expressing ourselves, emotion playing a large part in pushing our bodies to move …

Social Care: Sleepwalking Into A Crisis?

April 2016 saw the introduction of The National Living Wage (NLW).  We ask: How is this impacting on the cost and therefore the provision of sleep duties in adult social care settings? “Paying for sleep-ins at an hourly rate means that the sector is faced with a real and potentially overwhelming funding crisis.” — Mencap, July 2017 Apple House, as a responsible employer, has been paying its sleep duty staff the NLW since its introduction.  This had a huge impact on our staffing budget.  We, like most providers, see scant if any increases in fees in spite of the introduction …

National Learning Disability & Autism Awards…

Apple House were so very honoured to be national finalists in The National Learning Disability and Autism Awards! Last Friday Romaine, Director of Operations, and Jane, Managing Director, travelled to Birmingham to the ICC for the gala dinner that preceded a glittering awards ceremony.  Although we didn’t win, the fact that we reached the finals was really something for us!  Everyone there really were winners and completely inspirational. We were entertained by the ultra talented Dance Syndrome who had some incredible moves!  Also entertaining us all was the super funny actress Sally Phillips of Bridget Jones notoriety who (in spite of her …

Social Care: Making Things Better

As CQC release a new report into the state of adult social care, we ask: Are we doing enough as social care providers? “Having carried out over 33,000 inspections of around 24,000 different services, most of the adult social care sector is meeting the Mum Test, providing safe and high quality care that we would be happy for anyone we love, or ourselves, to receive. This is thanks to the thousands of dedicated staff and providers who work tirelessly to ensure people’s care is truly person-centred and meets their individual needs.”–Andrea Sutcliffe, Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care at the …

One Week To Go!

We’re excited to be travelling to Birmingham next Friday for the Finals of The National Learning Disability and Autism Awards! Good luck to Apple House and the other finalists!  We’ll let you know how we get on. …

Learning Disability Awareness Week…

Learning Disability Awareness Week 2017 runs from the 19th June until 25th June. This year’s focus is on employment opportunities for people with a learning disability. Using the online hashtag  #LDWeek17  you can see what is being shared on social media, and keep updated. You can find some more information on how to get involved and some valuable resources on the link below: Mencap …

Judgement Day…

Nestling close to the fabulously colourful Birmingham Botanical Gardens was the location of today’s interviews for the finalists of The National Learning Disability and Autism Awards. Romaine Lawson, Director of Operations for Apple House care home group, travelled to Birmingham to represent us.  Romaine said, “It was such an honour and privilege for Apple House to be finalists alongside national charities and city councils as one of only ten finalists in the country for the ‘Best Employer’ category.” An honour indeed.  We are but a small company of dedicated professionals and to be a finalist for such a prestigious award has …