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Category: Redcroft

Mr Kelloggs Visits Redcroft…

Redcroft enjoyed a wonderful visit from Mr Kelloggs last week. A miniature therapy horse, Mr Kelloggs stands at only 29 inches tall but made a huge impression on all who had the pleasure of meeting him! Linking Hearts told us: “Allow me to introduce Linking Hearts Therapy Horses: Mr Kelloggs is a 29” tall miniature horse who is fully trained to visit people who may not normally have the opportunity to interact with a horse. Our mission is to bring joy to those who most need it. To help enhance, nurture and heal the spirit of those who face extraordinary …

Let’s Talk Gardening and Sensory Gardens…

“Access to gardens can enhance focus and attention, as well as reducing anxiety and boosting self-confidence. Additionally, the garden can be considered a dynamic environment offering diverse opportunities for learning.” –[‘Green Spaces – Outdoor Environments for Adults with Autism’ by Katie Gaudion and Chris McGinley.] At Apple House care homes we know that our outdoor spaces are as vital as indoor space for those who reside at our services.  For many years we have actively encouraged residents to take ownership of their garden space, to use it in a way meaningful to them. Perhaps this year, even more than previously, …

Nature Garden, Final Update…

You may recall last year’s fabulous blog posts by David Dellow of Redcroft. David embarked on a transformative nature garden project at our Southbourne care home, Redcroft. Spanning several months progress was tracked, from scrubby patch behind the chicken run, to what is now a haven for an abundance of wildlife. Thank you, David and team, for all your hard work! David is delighted to share with you his final nature garden instalment: The Journey Ends. Ten months after work commenced, the nature garden has been finished. The last few months have seen the commencement and completion of several tasks …

Chinese New Year…

Chinese New Year is fast approaching – and with it comes a host of superstitions that will apparently dictate how the next 12 months will play out for each of us. Washing clothes, using scissors and sweeping floors are some of the easier omens to sidestep.  According to Chinese superstition, doing any of these on Feb 12 – the day Chinese New Year falls in 2021 – will lead to bad luck for the entire coming year. But it isn’t all doom and gloom: 2021 is the Year of the Ox, an animal that  symbolises strength and determination. — The Telegraph, 9th February 2021. At Redcroft care …

Mad Hatter’s Tea Party…

“What do you get when the creative minds of the Redcroft team get together? The Mad Hatters Tea Party! So, it was that after a conversation involving three very creative minds that the idea of the Mad Hatters Tea Party was born. Amanda Sinnick (Deputy Manager) put her considerable organisation skills to use and grabbed the event by the scruff of the neck and formed a Tea Party committee. Amanda over saw the creation of the many wonderful decorations that would create the fabulous party vibe that was present on the day, as well as the one of a kind …

Nature Garden Update!

Session 15: “After a break from working on the nature garden to assist other team members with their exciting projects, we once again turned our attention to the nature garden. In particular the solving of the one glaring issue since work on the garden began. At present the nature garden could be accessed either side of the Cabin; these access points are fine for those who are able-bodied and confident on their feet. However to be truly accessible for everyone there needed to be an access suitable for everyone. This had been a problem that the team could not seem …

Nature Garden Update!

You have been asking us to update you on the creation of a nature garden at Redcroft which is currently seeing David, R and S transforming a scrubby patch of wilderness behind the chicken run into a haven for wildlife. Here is an update from David from our senior team at Redcroft: Session 13: “Todays session saw the team commence the task of clearing all the old cement off the recovered patio slabs. This was found to be very hard work but ultimately will allow the team to partially patio the quiet area. After undertaking this task the team decided …

Mad Hatter’s BBQ Prep…

“Just a quick update on our event being planned, ‘Mad Hatter’s BBQ,’ in a few weeks time. R, K, K, S have all have been working very hard creating signs, bunting and card hoopla (this may be repurposed for registered manager Sharron to pop her head through for a wet sponge or two – yet to be decided lol). P has been drumming in the cabin, rehearsing for his vital role in the House Band.” — Mandy S, Deputy Manager, Redcroft. And, in readiness for the main event, it seemed very wise to also enjoy a fabulous BBQ over the bank …

Redcroft Remembers…

“For our VE Day celebrations, everyone chose to participate in preparations by making decorations and creating an information board. Individuals read out passages or discussed what VE day is about. ‘E’ then gave us all a fantastic concert of old time songs. We have made trench boxes, discussing about how these boxes were sent out at Christmas time for the soldiers at the front. We also made a tea party of favourate foods eaten in the 1940’s including Anzac biscuits which we put in the trench boxes. Great fun had by all!” — Sharron Eyears, Registered Manager, Redcroft. …

Creating a Nature Garden… (Part Three)

Today sees the continuation of David Dellow’s report from the remote reaches of the garden at Redcroft care home; behind the chicken run and sensory garden, in a previously jungle-like patch of vegetation. Joined by Chief Nature Garden Designer, S, here is their next update: Creating a Nature Garden, Tenth Session: “Todays session saw a big leap in the development of the garden. We decided to challenge the almost mythical pile beside the wall. This area has been provisional earmarked as BBQ/Quiet area, so the idea was to simply shift through the pile: However as the saying goes ‘don’t judge …