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Category: Summerwood

The Importance of Creative Activities and Exercise For People With Autism

Introduction At Apple House care homes we strive to support residents to lead a healthy lifestyle and to be as independent as possible. We provide access to a programme promoting healthy living and wellbeing, with home cooked fresh food, regular exercise, and creative activities. This article outlines why it is important to give people with autism the opportunity to take part in creative activities and regular exercise. Challenges for people with Autism For people with autism, you may notice that they can have challenges in interacting in social situations as it can be overwhelming at times with direct verbal communication. …

New Forest Cycling…

Summerwood care home in Hampshire has been trialling a fantastic organised cycling initiative in the New Forest. PEDALL is a partnership project funded by the Big Lottery Fund. Started in 2011 by the New Forest National Park Authority and New Forest District Council, PEDALL (previously called New Forest Inclusive Cycling) provides inclusive cycling in and around the beautiful New Forest and aims to make cycling available to anyone no matter what challenges they may face. Specialist bikes are available with different seating positions, extra wheels and harnesses to provide support and stability. Led rides offer year-round sessions which are led by …

Let’s Talk Gardening and Sensory Gardens…

“Access to gardens can enhance focus and attention, as well as reducing anxiety and boosting self-confidence. Additionally, the garden can be considered a dynamic environment offering diverse opportunities for learning.” –[‘Green Spaces – Outdoor Environments for Adults with Autism’ by Katie Gaudion and Chris McGinley.] At Apple House care homes we know that our outdoor spaces are as vital as indoor space for those who reside at our services.  For many years we have actively encouraged residents to take ownership of their garden space, to use it in a way meaningful to them. Perhaps this year, even more than previously, …

Summerwood Links Up With Children In Its Community…

During these most challenging of times, as the nation finds wonderfully creative ways to connect to others through this lockdown, Summerwood care home is enjoying a mutually rewarding connection with a local nursery school. Intergenerational learning and friendship has been proven to bring lasting and positive outcomes for all and, in these exceptional times of reduced community access, Apple House care homes greatly value a diverse means of retaining each home’s position in the heart of their communities. Sharing art, stories and fun videos is enabling both the children of the nursery school and the team and residents of Summerwood …

Early Years children bring a smile to Summerwood and vice-versa…

It’s been a very challenging time for all during this pandemic, so we at Summerwood have joined a community and are now working with our local ‘early years’ childcare setting. We have been sending letters and videos to each other and keeping in contact, brightening up each others’ days through this tough time. We have also received pictures and letters from the pre-school which has made our day! All at Summerwood get very excited making videos knowing the young ones will get that extra support and a learning outcome from it. We are hoping this summer that the pandemic will die …

Our Outstanding Team!

It was an absolute joy presenting thank you gifts and achievement certificates to our Summerwood team yesterday in recognition of their incredible work. …

VE Day at Summerwood…

“We spent the week before VE Day discussing the things we were going to do and how we were going to do it. D wanted songs, T didn’t want to call it a celebration, M wanted to have lots of food and T suggested Fish and Chips. Everyone was very excited about having games in the garden. Here is a poster we made with the events on it. Everyone had a great time in a socially distanced manner!” — John Caslake, Registered Manager, Summerwood. …

The Great Apple House Bake-Off!

Congratulations go to Redcroft for winning the Great Apple House Bake-Off! Our panel of judges, comprising residents and directors, had a very tough job choosing just one winner from the three beautiful cakes crafted by our staff teams as each home pitched against the other in a super-friendly competition. Apple House care home’s cake won the taste test! The sponge was moist and utterly scrummy. Decorated with delicate sugar daisies and cute bees, it was as pretty as it was delicious. Summerwood care home’s cake wowed us all. In the design of our logo –a plump green apple– and with …

Summerwood’s Carly ~ Learning Disability Care Worker of The Year FINALIST!

Huge congratulations to our very own Carly Houghton, Deputy Manager at Summerwood care home, who is one of just 3 finalists in the Daily Echo Proud To Care Awards 2018! Carly’s nomination was supported by family members of the individuals she supports and you can see from the newspaper article above just how highly valued Carly’s contribution is to their loved one’s care. Jane Montrose, Managing Director of Apple House care homes, said, ‘Do we seem just a little bit proud of Carly? WE ARE BEYOND PROUD! For Carly, this is so deserved. She always goes above and beyond and so …

Entrusting the care of a loved one to carers…

A heartfelt blog post by Pam, support worker at Summerwood care home: I was thinking about what to talk about on our company blog. I could have written something funny or about an interest that I have.  But instead I thought I would share something. I have a brother who is four years older than me who has a learning disability.  Since I was a little girl I have always been very protective towards him. I have worked in care for over 30 years now, and so I have seen almost all there is to see from the care provider’s …