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Monthly Archives: January 2020

Coronavirus: Latest Information and Advice from the Government, DoH

As the situation with Coronavirus continues to evolve globally, and today with confirmed cases in Britain, please find an update below from the Department of Health, UK Government, sent to us today as a social care provider. Please be assured that Apple House has in place its own robust emergency plans as well as stringent policies and procedures around infection control. The health of our staff team and those whom we support is key and we will remain vigilant and continue to monitor the situation. — Jane Montrose, Managing Director, Apple House care homes. Situation in the UK Two patients …

Redcroft’s Big Garden Birdwatch 2020

“At Redcroft we all decided we would take part in the RSPB’s Big Garden Birdwatch weekend, printing out pictures to identify the birds – residents and our team between them watched out for birds for an hour to help the RSPB with their national bird watching event. It brought some competition and laughter about who had spotted which birds and how many they had seen! It was a lovely experience with a feeling of community and we will definitely be up for it again next year.” — Sharron Eyears, Registered Manager, Redcroft care home, Bournemouth. What is the RSPB Big …

Happy New Year!

Wishing all our friends, colleagues, residents, and families a very happy, peaceful and healthy 2020! From the Apple House team ? …