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Browsing Tag: Learning Disabilities

The Importance of Creative Activities and Exercise For People With Autism

Introduction At Apple House care homes we strive to support residents to lead a healthy lifestyle and to be as independent as possible. We provide access to a programme promoting healthy living and wellbeing, with home cooked fresh food, regular exercise, and creative activities. This article outlines why it is important to give people with autism the opportunity to take part in creative activities and regular exercise. Challenges for people with Autism For people with autism, you may notice that they can have challenges in interacting in social situations as it can be overwhelming at times with direct verbal communication. …

Stress Management in Learning Disabilities…

What is stress? At the most basic level, stress is our body’s response to pressures from a situation or life event. Some common features of things that can make us feel stress include experiencing something new or unexpected, something that threatens your feeling of self, or feeling you have little control over a situation. [Mental Health Foundation] In the following article, Jayne Jackson, registered manager at Apple House care home, writes an open and very insightful reflection on how stress plans can and do have a profoundly positive impact for a gentleman she supports: Our care plans are person centred and very individual to …

Pets as Therapy…

Reflecting on 2018…

First and foremost, Apple House care homes wish everyone a very happy, healthy and prosperous 2019! Now well and truly into the new year, I thought I’d take a moment to reflect on the last year and what a year it was for us all! Redcroft’s transformation began exactly twelve months ago when the foundations were laid for the beautiful new wing which has been used to its fullest since completion in early summer, with a comprehensive schedule of pop-up shows. Last year saw the creation of an accessible garden, patios and activity cabin. Perhaps most exciting of all was …

CQC Rates Apple House as ‘Good’

Our Care Quality Commission (CQC) report has been published and we are proud to share with you details of our amazing report which has the rating of ‘Good’ in all 5 areas of Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive and Well-led. CQC is the independent regulator of health and adult social care in England.  The inspection was unannounced and took place over two days on the 27thFebruary and the 1stMarch 2018. Our teams have demonstrated their unfailing commitment to providing a high standard of care and support at Apple House. We would like to share below some of the report’s findings and …

Apple House Runs First Community Workshop…

Workshop for members of Ashley Baptist Church Last weekend we were pleased to be invited to hold a workshop at Ashley Baptist Church by the minister and members of the congregation. The team who work and live at our Summerwood care home enjoy a close relationship with the church and attend services and clubs there. The focus of the workshop was to deliver information on Understanding Behaviours That Can Challenge. The members and volunteers at the church wanted to gain additional understanding and to be better prepared for the activities and services they deliver. It was great to be able …

Apple House Care Home Trials Health & Safety Quiz…

Making health and safety fun… “Care homes differ from other workplaces because they are not only places of work but are also homes for their residents. It is therefore important that they are pleasant places where the freedom and dignity of residents is respected, and where everyone’s health and safety is sensibly and effectively managed.” — HSE, Health and Safety in Care Homes, 2nd Edition. As a care home group we take health and safety seriously.  This means keeping everyone safe, including staff and residents and people visiting our properties.  However, we believe that everyone should be involved in keeping …

How We Use ‘Easy Read’…

“Everyone should be able to access and understand information that affects their everyday lives, including the 10 million disabled people.  Information that is easier to understand helps people to make better choices on issues such as education, employment and healthcare.  It also helps people with learning disabilities to achieve a more equal role in society.”  –– Depart. of Health, ‘Making written information easier to understand for people with learning disabilities, 2010. How are Apple House care homes helping those we support to understand the written information that pertains to them in order to help in their decision making and choices? …

Strategic Planning in LD Care…

Strategic Planning: Looking at Operational Goals. The Apple House Ltd Approach: The world of management and strategic planning can be full of jargon-based terms and phrases, which can take the core meaning away from readers who want to see the direction and aims a company wants to work towards. While it is crucial that our company has a clear strategic plan from directorship level, the methods which enable this plan to work through an operational route are key to achieving the common goal. This planning stage will assist the company forward through an ever-increasing demanding economy and climate. For our …

Seeking a specialist LD Placement?

Across the group, we now have one vacancy at our New Forest home, Summerwood. Summerwood is a specialist residential home for up to 8 adults with learning and physical disabilities, who may also have complex needs and/or needs associated with the autistic spectrum.  Summerwood offers extremely flexible accommodation which can be utilised as either a stepping stone to more independent living or for a high needs service.  We now have available one delightful en-suite first floor bedroom with garden view. Located in Ashley, a small hamlet close to the thriving town of New Milton, the home is close to the …