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Monthly Archives: January 2021

A Little Eggstra at Little Amberwood.

At Apple House care homes we have always been huge fans of growing our own organic produce and keeping chickens. For many years residents at some of our services have enjoyed caring for their hens, constructing and painting hen houses and runs, collecting the eggs and baking delicious cakes.  There really is nothing like the taste of organic eggs with large sunny yolks!  Little Amberwood agree but are going one step further by hatching their own chicks. There is great excitement as the days tick down to ‘Hatch Day.’ It has been well documented that chicken-keeping has physical, emotional, cognitive …

Early Years children bring a smile to Summerwood and vice-versa…

It’s been a very challenging time for all during this pandemic, so we at Summerwood have joined a community and are now working with our local ‘early years’ childcare setting. We have been sending letters and videos to each other and keeping in contact, brightening up each others’ days through this tough time. We have also received pictures and letters from the pre-school which has made our day! All at Summerwood get very excited making videos knowing the young ones will get that extra support and a learning outcome from it. We are hoping this summer that the pandemic will die …

An Open Letter to Families and Colleagues re Covid-19