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Monthly Archives: April 2020

Creating a Nature Garden…

David Dellow, from our senior support team at Redcroft care home, Bournemouth, has been on a mission to transform an area of garden behind the chicken run; to create something rather beautiful and interesting from a scrubby patch of untamed wilderness. David’s creative designer and grafting partner is S. Here is S and David’s nature garden diary, kindly shared with the kind permission of both. “Nature Garden Creation, First Session: Today we started on the Nature Garden, our first task is to clear all the loose vegetation on the floor and all the loose branches on the ground. We are …

Thank you St Michael’s School Children!

Huge thanks go to the wonderfully creative children of St Michael’s School who painted these colourful rainbows for residents and care staff at Apple House care home. They were really appreciated by all! …

We are in The Guardian newspaper, and other updates…

Firstly, we hope you are staying safe and well during this unprecedented and difficult time which is bringing so many challenges to each and every one of us, those whom we support, our friends, colleagues, and loved ones. You may well have seen the extensive press coverage over the last few days about care homes and carers in relation to the pandemic. We were delighted to hear Mr Hancock announce that social carers will now be bracketed with NHS frontline staff, social care being the ‘second front line.’ This means a lot to our carers who will receive the new …

Clap for Carers!

At Apple House care home Jayne and the crew have been busy making and displaying fabulous Clap For Carers and NHS posters. ? …

Let Us Entertain You…

Creating fun, practical activities whilst in lockdown generated a fantastical day of haircuts! The day began with discussions around work and our experiences of work. ‘T’ volunteered to be chief hairdresser-in-training and had a very measured approach. ‘D’ and ‘M’ really enjoyed the feeling of the clippers on their heads and then showing off their new look to the rest of the house! John was impressed with T’s work ethic (even though the last bits were touched up by Carly). Here are our before and after photos (shared with kind permission). — John Caslake, Registered Manager, Summerwood …

Our Artwork!

We love this art work with a key message by residents at Summerwood care home! The heart ? is etched with the names of key workers and the entire art hangs proudly on Summerwood’s fence. …