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Browsing Tag: Coronavirus

COVID-19 Update…

At each of our homes our priority and focus continues to be the safety and welfare of the people we support as well as our teams. Although we have been free of coronavirus within our homes we remain vigilant because the risk level remains severe. This means our teams are still wearing masks at all times, and further protective equipment is used as well when giving close personal support. We thank residents for accepting these changes and we thank families and professional colleagues for their understanding while we do things differently and while our doors remain temporarily shut. We are …

COVID-19 Update…

A copy of our latest letter to families can be viewed HERE …

Coronavirus Update…

Last evening the World Health Organisation (WHO) announced that coronavirus, COVID-19, was now classified as a worldwide pandemic. In turn the British Government are set to increase measures to ‘delay’ the spread of the virus in the UK. Here at Apple House care homes we want to reassure service users, their families, professionals, our staff and suppliers that we will deal with any suspected outbreak in accordance with published NHS and PHE guidelines. These guidelines cover what to do if a staff member or resident, or someone else connected to our homes, are diagnosed with COVID-19. Incorporating the NHS guidance …

Coronavirus: Latest Information and Advice from the Government, DoH

As the situation with Coronavirus continues to evolve globally, and today with confirmed cases in Britain, please find an update below from the Department of Health, UK Government, sent to us today as a social care provider. Please be assured that Apple House has in place its own robust emergency plans as well as stringent policies and procedures around infection control. The health of our staff team and those whom we support is key and we will remain vigilant and continue to monitor the situation. — Jane Montrose, Managing Director, Apple House care homes. Situation in the UK Two patients …