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Browsing Tag: Care Home Visiting

John’s Campaign Video Meeting: Romaine Lawson on Family Visits During The Pandemic.

Thank you, as always, to Julia and all at John’s Campaign. …

Update to Our Care Home Visiting Policy

The Government has today issued new guidance on care home visiting. We have therefore published our updated Visiting Policy which can be viewed on our Covid-19 page by clicking HERE and scrolling down the page to today’s date, 8th March. In addition, you will find on our Covid-19 page our latest letter to families, friends and essential carers, again of today’s date. …

Visiting Pods…

Here at Apple House care homes, we recognise and value the importance of safe visiting to our services. COVID-19 continues to throw considerable challenges at all of us in our communities. At a time of uncertainty and change it is often our families we turn to for support and love to see us through difficult times. We at Apple House believe this connection to our loved ones is fundamental to emotional wellbeing. How then do we uphold a strong and positive visiting ethos at a time when social interaction and mixing of households potentially causes harm? Visiting Pods! The Government …

Care Home Visiting Update:

4th November 2020 – Update on visiting in our care homes as per government guidance. With the country now entering a second lockdown the government is reviewing its guidance on how people within care homes can have visitors safely. As you would have seen from our previous posts we are working closely with the people we support, their loved ones, and our wider community support teams to enable people to keep in contact and continue with their relationships during these challenging times.Guidance and national measures change quickly and we adapt to these changes as they arise. For the very latest practices within our homes …