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Browsing Tag: Charity

Red Nose Day…

Tomorrow, March 24th, is RED NOSE DAY and we’re cooking up some fun! Summerwood care home will be holding a cake sale in aid of Red Nose Day and World Autism Awareness Week (which is next week but hey, CAKE!) plus there is a sweepstake underway. Redcroft care home are holding a LEGS ELEVEN bingo afternoon on Sunday 2nd April also in aid of the above charities. Apple House care home are holding various fun activities this coming Saturday. As a company, we always match pound for pound any money raised for charity. …

Supporting Mencap…

BUY MENCAP CHRISTMAS CARDS HERE Tis (almost) the season to be jolly! Christmas cards, do you still send them diligently each year?  I think we all try to reduce and limit the amount of paper wastage as we move towards an ever increasingly paperless society and rightly so. We’re approaching the time of year when Christmas cards drop onto our mat and brighten our day.  More than ever, however, people are announcing that they have opted to donate to charity instead of sending cards. We believe that a Christmas card can say so much more than Merry Christmas.  It says, I’m thinking …