Our Training Principles…

Apple House Ltd believes that its employees represent its greatest asset.

By providing opportunities, facilities and financial support for training, the service aims to ensure that all of its employees are in possession of the knowledge, skills and experience necessary to perform their jobs to the highest standard.  To this end, the service is committed to functioning as a learning organisation, providing all of its employees with the opportunity for training and re-training in accordance with their own needs and that of our homes.

Without a skilled, committed and well-trained staff team, the service cannot possibly succeed in its aim to provide high-quality care.

Training should not only motivate staff, but also encourage their co-operation, imagination and personal development.

Without being stimulated by new learning, staff can become bored, take shortcuts, lapse into bad habits or feel undervalued and under-used.

A planned programme for the training and development of staff is essential to ensure good practice and the provision of a quality service for service users.  This is why we have 25 core training courses available to our staff with more being available if there is an individual speciality being undertaken.

If you would like to be part of our team and enjoy this environment of learning and fulfilment, please get in touch through our careers or contacts pages.  We’d love to hear from you.

––Romaine Lawson, Director of Operations

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