Exciting Job Opportunity for a Registered Manager

We are delighted to be offering the position of Registered Manager to join our team to start up and develop our new service in Christchurch, Dorset.

Are you an established manager looking for an exciting opportunity?

Do you have experience as a manager working with people with a learning disability and complex needs?

Would you like the chance to work with a local provider in a valued and supportive environment?

Please get in touch to talk further if this sounds of interest to you.

  • Starting salary from £28k pa
  • Location – Highcliffe, Christchurch, Dorset
  • Registered Home for 3 people with a Learning Disability
  • Confirmation in post subject to successful managers application with CQC
  • Must be a driver
  • Must live in a location near enough to attend the service in a timely manner in cases of emergency or when on-call
  • Must be an experienced manager in the field of Learning Disability.

Post to commence June 2018. Phone our Head Office on: 01202 485597 for an application pack or email sarahjanekeith@applehouse.co.uk

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