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Daily Archives: November 2, 2020

Flu Vaccine: Protecting Frontline Workers

The flu virus spreads from person-to-person, even amongst those not showing any symptoms. Unvaccinated, asymptomatic (but nevertheless infected) staff may unknowingly pass on the virus to vulnerable patients, friends, family and colleagues. Flu can cause severe complications and flu-related staff sickness also affects service delivery, impacting on patients and on other staff. Recently published evidence suggests a 10% increase in vaccination may be associated with as much as a 10% fall in sickness absence in the NHS.  Flu outbreaks also have a serious effect on the social care sector. Every year there are flu outbreaks in care homes despite high …

Compassion Fatigue In Carers: Awareness Project

Compassion Fatigue in Care Staff: Compassion fatigue is a term that has been used previously but is becoming more recognised during the covid-19 pandemic. ‘Compassion fatigue is a broadly defined concept that can include emotional, physical, and spiritual distress in those providing care to another. It is associated with caregiving where people or animals are experiencing significant emotional or physical pain and suffering.’ – Compassion Fatigue Awareness Project At Apple House care homes we recognise that our brilliant carers are working incredibly hard to ensure that they are giving their utmost in these unprecedented times. They are caring for the people we support, their colleagues, families and …

Flu Vaccination: Don’t delay, get yours today!

On behalf of the NHS, Misfits Theatre Company tackles the misinformation surrounding the flu vaccination head on and urges people with learning disabilities and their carers (family member or support worker) to not delay, and get their free flu vaccine today. …