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Daily Archives: November 7, 2016

Need an emergency LD placement?

If you need an emergency LD placement, let us throw you a lifeline… We will work with you to ensure that a first class and personalised package of support is in place with as little as three hours notice! People with complex and challenging needs are welcomed as warmly as those who are more independent. LET US PROVIDE A STEPPING STONE FROM RESIDENTIAL CARE TO SUPPORTED LIVING. Consider us to provide a comprehensive transition including life skills and community access safety. CALL US IF YOU NEED A SHORT-NOTICE PLACEMENT OR A LONG TERM ALTERNATIVE. We are here to meet your …

More Bushcraft fun…

We’re excited to be planning for our next bushcraft day.  Following on from the huge success of the last one, residents of Apple House homes decided that they’d like to repeat the experience.  This time, as well as foraging for our food and cooking on the camp fire we build, we’ll be using the woods for materials to create seasonal wreaths and so much more! …

The State of Health Care and Adult Social Care in England…

The State of Health Care and Adult Social Care in England 2015/16 looks at the trends, highlights examples of good and outstanding care, and identifies factors that maintain high-quality care. It was written by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) through their findings between Spring 2015 and Summer 2016. The report summarises that most services they inspect give ‘good’ care to the people they support even though they may now been doing this with less money to pay for it. It also states that adult care services have been able to maintain quality but that there is concern over the sustainability …