10 Year Anniversary …

It’s hard to believe that Apple House Ltd is now approaching its ten year anniversary.  It doesn’t seem five minutes ago that my husband and I took the decision to fulfil my dream.  Moving our family out of the family home in order to offer it as a home for adults with learning disability support needs was no small decision to make, neither was leaving my nursing career; but there hasn’t been a moment that we’ve regretted our decision.  In the early days I practically lived at the home,  which we called Apple House due to the abundance of apples from the aged tree in the back garden, working day and night with dogged determination.  The support from my family was invaluable.

A few months later we acquired Redcroft and held a weekend sleepover there for our friends in return for their painting and decorating help.  We plied them with fish and chips and a few glasses of liquid encouragement and it really was a fun time. The house looked lovely and we welcomed our first resident shortly before Christmas.

Ten years have seen incredible change for our organisation. Careful and slow expansion of our services continues but maintaining the highest standards of care is always at the forefront of our ethos.

With a fabulous, committed team and inspirational residents, we look forward to the next ten years!

Jane Montrose,

Managing Director, Apple House Ltd.

About The Author
