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Browsing Tag: Communication

Your Right To Be Heard…

At the very heart of our work, our ethos, is the desire to facilitate those we support to recover their voice.  Their right to be heard and understood. Being heard is so close to being loved that, for the average person, they are almost indistinguishable. –David Augsberger We take our voice, our opinion, our choices, for granted.  We eloquently express our needs and our viewpoints and know that we are listened to, that the other person ‘gets us.’  The notion that we could be spoken for and on behalf of, that our voice translates not into our wishes but into …

How We Use ‘Easy Read’…

“Everyone should be able to access and understand information that affects their everyday lives, including the 10 million disabled people.  Information that is easier to understand helps people to make better choices on issues such as education, employment and healthcare.  It also helps people with learning disabilities to achieve a more equal role in society.”  –– Depart. of Health, ‘Making written information easier to understand for people with learning disabilities, 2010. How are Apple House care homes helping those we support to understand the written information that pertains to them in order to help in their decision making and choices? …