Strategic planning in LD care…

Strategic Planning: Looking at Operational Goals.

The Apple House Ltd Approach:

The world of management and strategic planning can be full of jargon-based terms and phrases, which can take the core meaning away from readers who want to see the direction and aims a company wants to work towards.

While it is crucial that our company has a clear strategic plan from directorship level, the methods which enable this plan to work through an operational route are key to achieving the common goal. This planning stage will assist the company forward through an ever-increasing demanding economy and climate.

For our Company, the aim is to protect the homes of the people we support and the jobs of the people whom we employ throughout our services.

An infographic is used to give an overview of our Operational Goal Planning.

–Romaine Lawson, Director of Operations, Apple House.

Strategic Planning Operational Goals Apple House Ltd 2016

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