During a house recent house meeting there was a fantastic discussion on developing our ‘Champion’ roles within our service. What is a Champion? Our Champions encourage team members and residents to develop their knowledge and practical skills in a variety of key areas. By being a learning ‘bridge’ between research, best practice, and knowledge, and others at Redcroft, Champions do the hard work and source the information to share. They make learning fun. They challenge poor and habitual ways of doing things and offer an alternative and often fun means of carrying out the task or offer something entirely new to try. …
On Tuesday 5thNovember, Redcroft held their second annual firework party. Following on from the inaugural event last year, individuals residing at Redcroft looked forward to the event with great anticipation and excitement. The requests for louder and more exciting fireworks were met with the inclusion of multi shot firework cakes, much to the excitement of all those who witnessed them. The event was preceded with the cornerstone firework cuisine of burgers and hotdogs. The success of this event has already initiated the planning of next year’s event, which promises to include even bigger and more exciting fireworks! — David Dellow, …